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The Laws of the GsE

1. All GsE citizens have the right to uphold and retain property of any sort and by any means

2. Those of the GsE, have a right to a trial if accused of a crime or transgression

3. All GsE citizens have the right to adhere to, and follow the tenants of, any faith, religion, or other similar body as they do so please

4. Imperials are encouraged to work for the betterment of the whole GsE and the Empire at large, while also bettering, improving, and providing for themselves

5. In case of national emergency, the GsE retains the right to establish the Spencorian Domestic Investigation Agency at any time while a crisis or other state of emergency is taking place and will be mandatory dissembled once crisis has passed over.

6. The people of the GsE retain the right to organize under civil pretenses to carry out or be apart of the establishment of political parties

7. To be able to run for Governor of any city within the GsE, you must:

- Be a member of the Optimates

8. If accused of a crime, you shall be tried by the court of the GsE and a verdict rendered by either the judge or the Emperor himself.

9. Building code in the GsE and her affiliated territories shall be as follows:

a. Must be located along a road within the city.
b. Must resemble, in some way, the other structures surrounding it (unless otherwise informed of being able to do otherwise or design is approved by the Emperor)
c. Must be reasonable
(this aspect may seem subjective and for the most part is, however if an individuals house is absolutely and absurdly arbitrary or ridiculous/not practical then it is liable to eviction and demolition orders by the GsE administration)
d. Building may be as large or small as the individual desires

If any one or all of these aforementioned clauses of building code are not followed then home is liable to first an order of edit (as in you will have one week to edit house to a reasonable manner) then an order of eviction and demolition following.

10. Any and all behavior, actions, and or practices resembling that of a communistic or socialistic state are made illegal to be practiced within the gilded borders of the Grand Spencorian Empire with the exception of:
a. Gits/Donations
b. Temporary government run property/businesses to stimulate the creation of future businesses.

11. On the establishment of a Spencorian Militia 

I. This body creates a militia.
II. Any citizen can apply to this militia
 A. Citizens who apply must pass a multi-level training course
  1. This course includes:
    a. Navigation
    b. Agility/parkour
    c. Combat
     i. Bow
     ii. Sword
  2. Individuals who pass will be initiated by being given a gold sword by the Emperor
III. Militia can be called at any time and for any reason
 A. This can be done by:
  1. The Senate
  2. The Emperor
IV. All members of the militia will be paid an amount reflecting the level of their contribution of the campaign that they participate in
 A. A campaign will be a mission with a specific objective
  1. Rather than a whole war
V. All militia will provide their own equipment
 A. If needed, they can receive financial aid
  1. In doing this, they give up their right to loot
  2. Any provided armor or weaponry must be returned to the state or the lender
VI. The Militia could be called up at any time for
  1. Guard duty/patrolling at any time (or that if you are militia and are not doing anything, that is what your duty defaults to). This would not be considered a campaign and will not receive direct payment for patrolling.
  2.The Senate and/or Emperor is able to set the region for patrolling in special cases, but it naturally would default to patrolling the city that the particular militia man is residing in.
VII. Establishes that a military manual be written by the most verbose in military tactics in the Empire to act as a basic form of training and that a training camp be established within the Empire.
VIII. Creates the Blitzklinge (Secret Police Organization) for international and intranational protection and espionage.

12. On the creation of an Imperial judicial system

This body creates a judicial system

This system will be made up a collection of courts

-Each court will be founded by the emperor and, in his name; it will uphold the constitution of the land and its laws

The emperor, being the highest judge, will appoint Judges

-Judges will determine guilt

-Unless a high crime or contested judgments is made

-A jury or a higher order judge will then make the decision

-Each province must establish a court and will have a judge appointed to it

-A judge may have authority in multiple provinces

-A supreme judge will be nominated by the provincial judges and approved by the emperor

-This judge will have authority over the other judges and can be appealed to by citizens who feel that they have been incorrectly found guilty

The court will have dominion over all civil cases and have the ability to decide guilt in all case (both civil and criminal)

-In civil cases a court can (if situation finds it necessary):

-Determine guilt

-Announce punishment

-Remove or redistribute property

Any citizen can call forth another individual; either citizen or foreigner, to the court if wrong has been done.

-False accusations will be penalized,

-With a fine or other consequence

Guilt will only be found when clear evidence is brought forth to the court in trial

Judges can make laws in the case of necessity

-These laws will be debated and confirmed or denied by the senate

-If the senate makes no opinion, the law will hold as if affirmed, until a case is brought upon it.

13. On the Creation of a centralized Bank of Spencoria

Establishes that the Central Bank of Spencoria has direct authority over the minting and regulation over the Spencorian universal currency of the Imp.

- Loans of a maximum of 500 Imps may be carried out from the Central Bank of Spencoria to a person of Spencorian citizenry once every week
-- If an individual does not make a full 500 Imp loan right away, but is still within a weeks time, then that individual may be able to take out a loan totaling 500 Imps by the end of the week. 

- Establishes the definition of a week as starting on Monday and ending on Sunday.


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